The Difference Between a Hotel Photography Agency and a Hotel Photographer
May 22, 2018
Often, when speaking with a client, we will describe ourselves as a “hotel photography agency”, rather than simply hotel or travel photographers. It’s not a common term, because we’re not a common business.
A hotel photographer creates the perfect images to serve a distinct purpose in a predetermined strategy. Often, this is what large brands, like the St Regis, Luxury Collection, and the Westin, will hire us to do: create incredible visual assets for their marcom teams. We are no strangers to working with large teams in a variety of roles, and can work with in-house marketing teams and advertising agencies to execute a vision, or collaborate to develop and produce a concept.
How to Choose the Right Options for Visual Storytelling in Hotel Photography and Video Production
Video Killed the Radio Star,Social Media Marketing
May 15, 2018
There are more ways than ever for marketers to tell a story, probably too many to count. Even if we narrow the category to visual storytelling for hotels, the range of options is incredible. There are myriad types of hotel photography and video production. There are new tools available like virtual reality and augmented reality, as well as hollywood-style visual effects. And, there are a huge range of channels available for delivery, from Facebook and Youtube to mobile apps, blogs, and branded magazines.
The Latest Hotel Industry Trends, Hospitality News, and Robots
May 8, 2018
Welcome to our first roundup of hotel industry trends and hospitality news!
In these posts, we’ll bring you interesting news and resources for hotel and travel marketers, with just the right amount of commentary.
In this round up, we look at recent changes to Instagram, share some news and marketing advice, take a peek at the weird world of CGI influencer marketing, and meet the robots working in hotels.
Destination Marketing with Video to Boost Tourism and Promote Your Hotel
May 1, 2018
Destination marketing with video focuses on boosting tourism, and attracting more potential guests to the area. Through destination marketing, hotels are able to reach out to potential guests while they are still considering destination options or researching things to do in a place they’ve decided on. It’s an opportunity to become known to that guest and provide them with something valuable well before they’ve even heard of your competition.
Where to Start: Video Marketing Tips for Luxury Travel
Video Killed the Radio Star,Social Media Marketing
April 17, 2018
In this blog, we’re applying the lessons of video marketing specifically to luxury travel, and answering the biggest question that clients have when they come to us: where do we start?
When luxury travel clients come to us, the first thing we recommend is that they ensure they have a fantastic set of images that they’re completely happy with. Images are the most important visual marketing asset you can have, and most of the time should take priority over other initiatives, including video. That said, we are believers in the power of video marketing. We also believe that to realize the true total value of video, it must be done as part of your broader luxury travel marketing and channel strategy.
SpaceX Marketing with Video: a Car in Space, and the Falcon Heavy Launch
April 3, 2018
On Tuesday, February 6 2018, SpaceX successfully launched the Falcon Heavy rocket, the most powerful operational rocket in the world. The livestream of the launch received over 2.3 million concurrent views, and was the second largest live streaming event in YouTube’s history. This Falcon Heavy launch is not a bad testament to marketing with video.
However, it wasn’t the Falcon Heavy itself that dominated reporting on the launch, or that captured the imagination of so many viewers. It was the rocket’s payload: a 2008 Tesla Roadster, complete with a dummy astronaut called “Starman”; David Bowie blasting on the speakers; a message on the dashboard that read “Don’t Panic”; and “Made on Earth by Humans” printed on a circuit board.
Real Influencer Marketing Strategy for Hotels
March 20, 2018
This year started with a reminder that influencer marketing doesn’t always go according to plan. The public feud between vlogger Elle Darby and the Dublin based White Moose Café and Charleville Lodge Hotel prompted us to write a blog which asked "is influencer marketing really worth it for hotels?" We came to the conclusion that yes, it is, but not without a strategy. Here’s where we tell you about how to create the best influencer marketing strategy for hotels.
In this blog, we’re breaking down a few key steps in building an influencer marketing strategy for hotels, and sharing some insights and lessons that we’ve learned working with agencies, clients, and influencers across a number of situations. While many of the insights will apply to influencer marketing across any industry, we’re focusing on hotels in particular.
Is Influencer Marketing for Hotels Actually Worth it?
February 9, 2018
Is Influencer Marketing for Hotels Actually Worth it? Get up to to speed on the Darby/White Moose showdown… Over the past few weeks millions...
Is That Photo Real? Why There is No Reality in Photography
January 12, 2018
“That’s A Nice Photo, Was It Edited?”
This is a sentence that many photographers, particularly hotel photographers, will have heard. A lot. While it seems straightforward, the questioner is often actually asking, “is this photo genuine?”, and the answer to that is a lot more complicated than a simple yes or no. It’s more of a philosophical shrug. Is there reality in photography?